Monday, January 17, 2011

What Would Happen If America Left Iraq Now

What Would Happen If the US Left Iraq

If America were to leave Iraq now, it would cause chaos for the Iraq government and all their people.  They would most likely need a lot of money, and would have trouble sustaining their own country:  "'They're going to need money,' said Peter Khalil, an analyst at Eurasia Group, a risk-advisory consulting firm, and a former advisor to the Coalition Provisional Authority in Iraq."  Also there is a big possibility that a civil war within Iraq could form, affecting not only largely Iraq, but the rest of the world.  Because Iraq is a major oil mining country, if there were to be a civil war within Iraq after America left, there would be a huge reduction in oil exports from Iraq.  This would cause the price of oil from other parts of the world to rise, therefore effecting the whole world.

Another greatly possible thing that could happen if America were to leave Iraq now is that Iraq's government would be destroyed, and would eventually break into three seperate nations:  "According to recent 'war games' exercises conducted for the U.S. military, the most likely outcome of a U.S. withdrawal is that the central government would fall apart and Iraq would effectively split into three separate nations."  Another possible (however unlikely) scenario is that once the U.S. left Iraq, Al Qaeda and Iran would take over Iraq, and terrorists would use it as a base for attacks on the United States.  All of these scenarios, this last one impeticular, are all very poor consequenses of the U.S. leaving Iraq.  This is why we must stay in Iraq; for both the good of their countries and ours.

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